Secondary School Athletic Trainers

Appropriate Medical Care Standards for Organizations Sponsoring Athletic Activity for the Secondary School Age Athlete (AMCS)

The Appropriate Medical Care Standards for Organizations Sponsoring Athletic Activity for the Secondary School Age Athletes (AMCS) published in 2019 replaces the original 2004 version of the similarly named document, the Appropriate Medical Care for Secondary School-Age Athletes (AMCSSAA). The revisions in the statement reflect the progress and researchin health care since the time of original publication, and the broadened scope that these standards should apply. The AMCS Summary Statement was published in the Journal of Athletic Training in 2019. 

The AMCS document outlines 12 standards deemed necessary in the provision of appropriate health care. Each standard consists of actionable substandards. Each standard and substandard includes the following:

  • Narrative: overview of each standard.
  • Annotation: description of each sub-standard.
  • Supporting Documentation: example documents of an organization’s compliance.
  • Review of Case Law: case results and statutes, as available and applicable, for each standard and/or substandard.*
  • References: justification for each sub-standard, cited in the narrative or annotation.

*Please note that this information is not intended to serve as legal advice and no attorney-client relationship has been formed based on the dissemination of this information. This is not an exhaustive list and other cases may exist.

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